Menya Goos Naimark and Jacob Naimark |
Sam Naimark recalled the eventual success of his brothers and sisters:
"In 1934, Aaron married Ann Abramovitch, a native-born Canadian. He went into the import/export business. He would make about three or four trips a year to Japan and buy a lot of the stuff that you find in five and ten cent stores. He had a big place at that time. The other boys, Norman, Eddie, and Henry, worked for Aaron as salesmen. He had customers—retail stores—practically all over Canada until World War II broke out.
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(left) back row, left to right: Aaron & Ann Naimark with their children Mona and Allan standing in front of them (Edward wasn’t born yet); Esther & Sam Naimark with their children Elaine and Dena, 1943 or 1944 (right) Ann Naimark dancing with Aaron |
"The two youngest brothers, Eddie and Henry were taken into the army. A few years after the war was over, they went into the same kind of business as Aaron and began to compete with him for his customers. For the first couple of months there was some friction, but then Aaron didn't mind. In 1950, he sold his inventory to Eddie and Henry, and went into the lingerie business. Eddie married Shirley Shapiro, and Henry married Becky Berman in 1944.
Wedding photo of Edward & Shirley Naimark, November 1944 |
"Aaron made a big success with his company, Supreme Lace. He built the Naimark Building in Montreal… Henry and Eddie bought the building from him, just before he died. [Aaron died in 1987.] Now Henry owns it with his two sons. Henry's boys run the business today.
left to right: Henry, Becky, Shirley, and Eddie Naimark |
"Sarah was a self-made person. All her life she worked in the needle trade, the factories. Her husband, Ben Shustack, was in the fur business. They made fur coats. Dora also worked in a dress factory until she and her husband Harry Miller went into the dry cleaning business.
left to right: Eddie & Shirley Naimark, Ben & Sarah Shustack, Irving & Mary Feldman, Pat Gass, Anna Gass, Adele & Max Gass. The Gasses were first cousins to the Naimarks, the children of Menya's brother, Sam. |
"Norman married Lillian Wachman and got into his father-in-law's business, Atlantic Paper Box. He was a salesman. Norman passed away in 1987."
Lillian and Norm Naimark |
Norman's wife, Lillian Naimark, shared her recollections of Norman and his siblings:
"Norman and I met in the summertime and had a wonderful summer romance. I was very happy in my marriage. We weren't millionaires, but we were in love and happy with what we had. Our children turned out well, so I have no complaints.
"Mary married Irving Feldman in October 1939. Mary never worked. Her husband Irving was in dry cleaning and cloth dyeing. When they first got married, Mary and Irving lived in her parents' apartment in a little back room, and Norman and I lived with my parents. Mary and I went looking for apartments but neither of us could afford very much. We decided to rent a two-bedroom apartment together. Each couple had their own room. We lived together for about a year and a half, until we started thinking of a family."
The Naimark clan at a happy occasion: left to right: Irving and Mary Feldman, Ed and Shirley Naimark, Harry and Dora Miller, Aaron and Ann Naimark, Henry and Becky Naimark |
Esther and Sam Naimark with one of their daughters |
Of the eight Naimark siblings only Sarah Shustack and Dora Miller had no children. Sarah's husband Ben passed away in 1955. After his death, Sarah married Ruby Robinbach. Dora died in 1981 and Sarah died two years later.
Important note about the quotes used in this chapter:
The quotes that appear here were edited by Eleanor O’Bryon, the first writer for the Paul Gass Family History project, and they differ from the transcripts of the original interviews with the Naimarks. However, the quotes correspond directly to the ones in a report labeled “edited transcripts.” It is not known whether the Naimarks approved the edited transcripts. To see the original transcripts click Sam and Esther Naimark Interview and Interviews with Lillian Naimark and Other Naimarks